Hello World!

I write code to build scalable websites that engage the viewer and delight the eye. I believe web technologies are an integral part of our modern global education system, and that this field will grow rapidly in the future. I bring years of expertise in education and graphic design to build websites to teach and inform.

In 2019, I graduated from Seattle University's Web Development program, and currently, I am studying climate change, global environmentalism, and data science at the University of Washington. I will graduate at U.W. in December 2021. Please visit my Github repositories at Hazel61.

Capstone Project - Seattle University



In 2019, I designed a web page that would generate an image of a Mandelbrot set. Boundaries are created by the user through sliders and I used JavaScript to find the fractal components, draw the fractal to the screen, and create a loading spinner.

Picture of bubbles


A standard Fizz Bizz logic puzzle to solve with loops. The general criteria are:

  • Request a number from your user
  • Re-prompt user if the number is not a suitable number
  • Iterate from 1 to the user’s number (it becomes max)
  • For each number:
  • If the number is divisible by 3, print Fizz
  • If the number is divisible by 5, print Buzz
  • If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, print FizzBuzz

User Science Journal

At Seattle University I created an online journal to document my explorations in website critique, accessibility testing, and Google Analytics.

Bootstrap Website Sample

This project documents my first attempt to create a website for an imaginary business using Bootstrap 4. For fun, I create a travel website and populated it with many of the pictures I have taken in Hawaii, France and England.